
We started serving customers remotely via Skype and Zoom when we went unmanned last October, and since the opening of GW and Self-Defense. We’ve also introduced a new avatar customer service
There was a time, back in the day, when you didn’t even care about “icons”.
Chat (Messenger) and social networking sites are now commonplace, and “icons” are used to identify individuals It has become an important symbol of expression
And have smart glasses and lenses become more prevalent? Years from now, in the age of xR, the next symbol people will cherish is the “avatar
An avatar is the Sanskrit word for a yalactor, one’s alter ego. Some say the word is derived from Avatara
That’s why we also provide remote customer service through Avatar!
If you have an avatar customer service that can be handled remotely.
For example, one location can respond to “mise en scène” at stores across the country.
Elimination of labor shortage
Labor cost reduction
I’m hoping this will lead to
Also, there may be times when it’s difficult to talk to a man ↔ a woman, but if you’re talking to a man ↔ a woman through your avatar, you can use that I think it’s possible to lower the psychological bar.
#ぬいぐるみのリムとラム #キャッシュレスカフェ #無人カフェ #無人グッズ販売 #LINEで注文 #モバイルオーダー #遠隔接客 #アバター接客 #リモートワーク #充電サービス #無接点充電サービス #Qi #CashlessCafe #UnmannedCafe #UnmannedRemoteCafe #ネスレ #バリスタデュオ #バリスタデュオプラス #バリスタDuo #バリスタDuoプラス