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. 熱海に観光で来られDiDiを使う方にぜひお願い 熱海では時間帯によって配車注文から確定まですげぇ~遅い時がありますが【絶対に来てくれたドライバーには文句を言わない】で下さい また近くの車が止まったままで確定した車が熱海城や来宮など遠方から来る事もありますがそれにより遅く感じたとしても【絶対に来てくれたドライバーには文句を言わない】で下さい なぜこーゆー事が起きるか?それは熱海ならではの問題があり… 御高齢ドライバーなど一部の方は、本部から無線での依頼しか受け(信用して)ないので、配車アプリのナビの通知は見ぬ振りする事があります… で、来てくれるドライバーは率先してその通知を受けてくれる方なので、その人に対して「遅い!」と文句を言うのは、頑張ってる方へのモチベーションを下げる事になります… 支払い完了後のアンケートで、コメント入力欄に「ドライバーさんは良かったが、○○が遅い」などをDiDiに直接、そして正確に上げましょう たぶん熱海で一番DiDiを使ってるから顔馴染みのドライバーさんが多く、それに伴い入ってくる情報もそれなりに多く、勿論、今日来てくれた方も良い人だったし皆が皆って訳ではないのですがね #配車アプリ #タクシー #タクシー配車アプリ #DiDi If you come to Atami and use DiDi, please do not hesitate to contact us! In Atami, depending on the time of day, the process of ordering and confirming a delivery can be very slow, but please don't ever complain to the driver who comes to you! Also, please don't complain to the driver even if you feel that you are late because of a car coming from far away such as Atami Castle or Raigu. Why does this happen?It's a problem unique to the heat of the sea… Some people, such as elderly drivers, only receive (and trust) radio requests from headquarters, so they may turn a blind eye to the navigation notifications on the dispatch app… And the driver who comes in is the one who takes the initiative to get that notification, so to that person, "I'm slow!And to complain about it is to demotivate those who are working hard… In the survey after payment is completed, raise "Driver was good, but slow" etc. directly and accurately to DiDi in the comments field in the comments section! The person who came today was a nice guy, and not all of them, but I'm sure there are many drivers who use DiDi the most in Atami who are familiar with it, and that's why the information came in… #Taxi #Taxi dispatch app #DiDiDi Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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If you come to Atami and use DiDi, please do not hesitate to contact us!

In Atami, depending on the time of day, the process of ordering and confirming a delivery can be very slow, but please don’t ever complain to the driver who comes to you!

Also, please don’t complain to the driver even if you feel that you are late because of a car coming from far away such as Atami Castle or Raigu.

Why does this happen?It’s a problem unique to the heat of the sea…

Some people, such as elderly drivers, only receive (and trust) radio requests from headquarters, so they may turn a blind eye to the navigation notifications on the dispatch app…

And the driver who comes in is the one who takes the initiative to get that notification, so to that person, “I’m slow!And to complain about it is to demotivate those who are working hard…

In the survey after payment is completed, raise “Driver was good, but slow” etc. directly and accurately to DiDi in the comments field in the comments section!

The person who came today was a nice guy, and not all of them, but I’m sure there are many drivers who use DiDi the most in Atami who are familiar with it, and that’s why the information came in…


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